

  1. arXiv
    Torus algebra and logical operators at low energy
    Ying Chan, Tian Lan, and Linqian Wu
    Mar 2024
  2. SciPost
    Quantum Current and Holographic Categorical Symmetry
    Tian Lan, and Jing-Ren Zhou
    SciPost Physics, Feb 2024
  3. arXiv
    Condensation Completion and Defects in 2+1D Topological Orders
    Gen Yue, Longye Wang, and Tian Lan
    Feb 2024


  1. arXiv
    Category of SET orders
    Tian Lan, Gen Yue, and Longye Wang
    Dec 2023
  2. arXiv
    On a class of fusion 2-category symmetry: condensation completion of braided fusion category
    Wenjie Xi, Tian Lan, Longye Wang, Chenjie Wang, and Wei-Qiang Chen
    Dec 2023


  1. arXiv
    A lattice realization of general three-dimensional topological order
    Wenjie Xi, Ya-Lei Lu, Tian Lan, and Wei-Qiang Chen
    Oct 2021


  1. PRR
    Algebraic higher symmetry and categorical symmetry: a holographic and entanglement view of symmetry
    Liang Kong, Tian Lan, Xiao-Gang Wen, Zhi-Hao Zhang, and Hao Zheng
    Physical Review Research, Oct 2020
  2. JHEP
    Classification of topological phases with finite internal symmetries in all dimensions
    Liang Kong, Tian Lan, Xiao-Gang Wen, Zhi-Hao Zhang, and Hao Zheng
    Journal of High Energy Physics, Sep 2020
  3. PRR
    Gapped domain walls between 2+1D topologically ordered states
    Tian Lan, Xueda Wen, Liang Kong, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review Research, Jun 2020


  1. PRB
    Matrix formulation for non-Abelian families
    Tian Lan
    Physical Review B, Dec 2019
  2. PRX
    Classification of 3+1D bosonic topological orders (II): the case when some pointlike excitations are fermions
    Tian Lan, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review X, Apr 2019
  3. PRB
    Fermion decoration construction of symmetry-protected trivial order for fermion systems with any symmetry and in any dimension
    Tian Lan, Chenchang Zhu, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review B, Dec 2019
  4. PRB
    Topological nonlinear $σ$-model, higher gauge theory, and a systematic construction of 3+1D topological orders for boson systems
    Chenchang Zhu, Tian Lan, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review B, Jul 2019


  1. PRX
    Classification of 3+1D bosonic topological orders: the case when pointlike excitations are all bosons
    Tian Lan, Liang Kong, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review X, Jun 2018


  1. Thesis
    A classification of (2+1)D topological phases with symmetries
    Tian Lan
    University of Waterloo , Sep 2017
  2. PRB
    Classification of (2+1)-dimensional topological order and symmetry-protected topological order for bosonic and fermionic systems with on-site symmetries
    Tian Lan, Liang Kong, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review B, Jun 2017
  3. CMP
    Modular extensions of unitary braided fusion categories and 2+1D topological/SPT orders with symmetries
    Tian Lan, Liang Kong, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, Apr 2017
  4. PRL
    Hierarchy construction and non-Abelian families of generic topological orders
    Tian Lan, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review Letters, Jul 2017
  5. PRL
    Experimental identification of non-Abelian topological orders on a quantum simulator
    Keren Li, Yidun Wan, Ling-Yan Hung, Tian Lan, Guilu Long, Dawei Lu, Bei Zeng, and Raymond Laflamme
    Physical Review Letters, Feb 2017


  1. PRB
    Theory of (2+1)-dimensional fermionic topological orders and fermionic/bosonic topological orders with symmetries
    Tian Lan, Liang Kong, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review B, Oct 2016


  1. PRL
    Gapped domain walls, gapped boundaries, and topological degeneracy
    Tian Lan, Juven C. Wang, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review Letters, Feb 2015


  1. PRB
    Topological quasiparticles and the holographic bulk-edge relation in (2+1)-dimensional string-net models
    Tian Lan, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review B, Sep 2014