Tian LAN

condensed matter physicist and category theorist

I am an Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

During undergraduate years, I had the valuable opportunity to study both mathematics and physics at Tsinghua University. Guided by Liang Kong, I entered the realm of category theory and my fundamental philosophy was converted ever since: It is all about morphisms. For a physicist, morphisms may be replaced for physical probes, measurements or observations. An object, such as an electron, is an illusion born from all the probes upon it. In precise mathematical language, this is the Yoneda Lemma, an elementary but deep and central result in category theory

My PhD research later at Perimeter Institute, under the supervision of Xiao-Gang Wen, focused on the interplay between symmetry and topological order. I then moved to Institute for Quantum Computing as a Postdoctoral researcher and completed the works on the classification of 3+1D topological orders [I][II]. Recently, I am pursing a comprehensive higher categorical formulation for generalized symmetry and topological defects.

Check my papers on arXiv and Google Scholar.

selected publications

  1. SciPost
    Quantum Current and Holographic Categorical Symmetry
    Tian Lan, and Jing-Ren Zhou
    SciPost Physics, Feb 2024
  2. arXiv
    Category of SET orders
    Tian Lan, Gen Yue, and Longye Wang
    Dec 2023
  3. PRR
    Algebraic higher symmetry and categorical symmetry: a holographic and entanglement view of symmetry
    Liang Kong, Tian Lan, Xiao-Gang Wen, Zhi-Hao Zhang, and Hao Zheng
    Physical Review Research, Oct 2020
  4. JHEP
    Classification of topological phases with finite internal symmetries in all dimensions
    Liang Kong, Tian Lan, Xiao-Gang Wen, Zhi-Hao Zhang, and Hao Zheng
    Journal of High Energy Physics, Sep 2020
  5. PRX
    Classification of 3+1D bosonic topological orders (II): the case when some pointlike excitations are fermions
    Tian Lan, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review X, Apr 2019
  6. PRX
    Classification of 3+1D bosonic topological orders: the case when pointlike excitations are all bosons
    Tian Lan, Liang Kong, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review X, Jun 2018
  7. PRB
    Classification of (2+1)-dimensional topological order and symmetry-protected topological order for bosonic and fermionic systems with on-site symmetries
    Tian Lan, Liang Kong, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Physical Review B, Jun 2017
  8. CMP
    Modular extensions of unitary braided fusion categories and 2+1D topological/SPT orders with symmetries
    Tian Lan, Liang Kong, and Xiao-Gang Wen
    Communications in Mathematical Physics, Apr 2017